The videos located on the previous page tell the story of the Auschwitz through the eyes of on-sight visitors. When one walks the grounds of these former Nazi death camps, one is overcome by the extremity of human suffering and the enormity of human depravity.
To understand the nation of Poland and its people is to grapple with its past. Poland has been at the crossroads of European political tension and military aggression since her inception. No place anthems this truth better than the remains of the Nazi death camps known as Auschwitz, or Birkenau I and Birkenau II. The Auschwitz Museum (see the link below) is located on the very premises where the atrocities, now 7-decades past, once occurred. Those who wish to do so may use the "Archives" link to learn more about this grave period in human history. We will be taking the train from Warsaw south to Kraków and then on to the small village of Oświęcim where the infamous camps are located. Once there, we will experience in some small degree what Poles in general and Jews in particular encountered. More than a cultural experience, a visit to Auschwitz is a potentially life-changing event. |